围着火炉烤地瓜:对于bob fosse的传世杰作没能做出很好的呈现,成本的捉襟见肘可以窥见。但山姆洛克威尔和米歇尔威廉姆斯的精湛演技撑起了整部剧集,若无两人的精彩表演,这只是一个平庸的作品。 两个一生都在追求艺术高峰的人,伟大又自私。
#黄袍魔王#: decent. have only got to know the stargirl once from the Justice league unlimited series and she and her dad (if i dont remember wrong the one in the robot was her dad but her so called "psychic") were once teamed up with supergirl on a mission to the core of the earth on one episode where supergilr lost her power completely XD anyway it does seem that the vilains in this new series shall be quite interesting, so shall have a high hope for the series.
麦粒: Williams 很不错 歌舞场面也很好